Dr Owais Ahmed Malik
School of Digital Science
Research Interests: Machine Learning, Data Analytics/Big Data Analytics, Computer Vision/Image Processing, Deep Learning, Fuzzy Logic, Knowledge Based Systems, Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Rehabilitation Monitoring, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Biosignal Processing and Analysis, Applied Biomechanics

Dr Hetti Arachchige Gamini Premaratne
School of Business
Research Interests: Behavioral Finance, Volatility Models, Higher Moments, Hypothesis Testing, Macroeconometric Modeling and Risk Management

Dr Daphne Teck Ching Lai
School of Digital Science
Research Interests: Data Mining, Cluster Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Computation, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning

Dr Ong Wee Hong
School of Digital Science
Research Interests: Personal Robots, Cyber-Physical Systems, Ambient Intelligence

Dr Dk Hayati Pg Hj Md Yassin
Faculty of Integrated Technologies
Research Interests: Wave and Tide Prediction for Brunei Deep-Water Operation, AIMS for Solar PV Projects in Brunei Darussalam, Biometrics: Face Ageing Performance in Face Recognition, Artificial Neural Network, Pattern Recognition for Biodiversity

Dr Yong Shiaw Yin
Faculty of Science
Research Interests: Driver Behaviour, Road Safety, Intelligent Traffic System, Driving Simulation, Raising Driver Awareness towards Road Hazards, Assessing Traffic Countermeasures.